The main attraction of the Zone is the ever-popular Metrology Jeopardy Quiz Show hosted by Bob Elliott. This test-your-knowledge game is based upon the CMS Level-One Certification program and its core body of knowledge. During the CMS Quiz Show, participants will first compete in heats, and each winning team will stand off in a grand finale game to claim the title of 2023 CMSC Champions. All attendees are invited to engage in this fun and interactive platform to test their metrology chops. We will be hosting 3 Sessions of Metrology Jeopardy on Tuesday and Wednesday with the Final Metrology Jeopardy event being held late Wednesday afternoon. This Final Jeopardy round will be comprised of the winners from the first three sessions. All participants will get a ticket toward a grand prize to be given out at the Wednesday night Banquet. Winners of each round will get additional tickets toward the grand prize.
Tuesday July 23, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Education Zone