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Justin Novak

Newport News Shipbuilding
Executive Committee Chair
Justin Novak is a Supervisor at Newport News Shipbuilding, where he has been active in the Metrology field for 14 years. He graduated from the NNS Apprentice School in 2008, earning the Charles F Bailey Award for academic excellence, and received an Associate’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering and Technology. He worked for several years as a Metrology Technician, responsible for data collection, analysis, reporting, and customer collaboration, and transitioned into a Supervisory role in 2013. As a supervisor, Justin spent five years leading the effort to integrate laser scanning and laser projection technology into NNS’ traditional metrology toolset. During that time he co-authored several standards governing the use of Non-Contact Metrology throughout NNS, and is currently recognized as the subject matter expert for precision scanning in the Shipyard.Justin is currently leading the continuous improvement and innovation program for Metrology at NNS and is heavily involved in the development and execution of their metrology training program. He frequently represents NNS for local STEAM and other educational events that seek to spread awareness and interest for Metrology in students of all ages.Justin has been a regular attendee and speaker at both CMSC and other industry conferences since 2010, and helped develop the Portable CMM practical exam in 2017 for the CMS Certification Committee. He is currently an active member and co-lead of the CMS Education Committee; a sub-committee intended to establish and support education programs that will facilitate the growth and awareness of professional Metrology.Justin has a passion for communication and collaboration. He writes avidly on topics ranging from Metrology to leadership to speculative fiction, and has had an article published in periodicals including Quality Digest.When he’s not playing with Lasers, he lives an idyllic life in Virginia with his wife, four children, and two dogs.
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